Saturday, December 27, 2003

Whats required?

Just wondering, does anybody meet this requirement on this software:

Required Windows®98SE (Second Edition), Windows® Millennium Edition, Windows2000 and WindowsXP.

I don't have any OS with Windows in its name, so I guess I don't. Oh well, couldn't that decent if it requires 4 operating systems to run...

Sunday, December 21, 2003


No entries in a couple days... so this one is filled with humor :)

Some people are rude, and proud of it. I was eatting in a restaurant, and a waiter dropped a ton of the plates and such and they shattered all over the floor. Quite a few people got up and started applauding and cheering. I thought about it for the first time ever, and... isn't that the most abnoxious thing? You are standing up and saying "Hey, look at me, I am very rude! Someone has something unfortunate happen to them and I'll stand up and start applauding!" Umm, right.

I was also sitting next to a window in the restaurant. This guy is walking out, and it looks completely normal, until the guy steps on the window sill and tries to step out through the glass. The glass almost shattered, and moved quite a bit. I was struggling so hard to hold back my laughing, but I did until he left. It was just... weird.

Anyways, could go on, but thats the funny stuff that you would actually read, so I'll leave it at that.

Oh, also, beware of January 10th, 2004.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

More bad news

Well, my father broke his foot Thursday night, so that sucks, now he's stuck in a cast for the next 8 weeks. Luckily, I have fully recovered from my sickness and stuff. I'll be back to programming ASAP...

Monday, December 01, 2003

Today Sucks

Last night, as I was going to sleep, services died and stuff. Had to restore it from the backup I didn't have read access to, isn't that nice? I got it restored today thankfully though.

That only describes the computer side of why today sucks. At school today, I nearly fainted. I don't know why or anything, I just did while walking to the bathroom. Well, after I recovered a little bit and arrived in the bathroom before I went over to the clinic, I felt like throwing up. I never use the school bathrooms, but I really had to this time, and not even the most disgusting words can describe it, and for your sake, I won't even try.

I am now mostly feeling better, so other then now being permanantly scared of school bathrooms, and my still having to go to the bathroom a little bit more then normal today (understatement), I should be fine. That did sorta take up my entire day though, so I got nothing done... not even my homework, which I'm off to do as much of it as I can now before tomorrow, while still getting to sleep at a reasonable hour.