A lot of people think Apple supports open source software. Sorry, all of you are full of shit.
Apple is probably one of the companies most against open source software, because of the way they work. They not only are against open source software, they take advantage of it. Apple has violated the GPL in the past, and would love to continue to do so, and Apple is just as bad every other company which violates the GPL and just sticks GPL code in there applications. What does Apple do?
Well, first they start out by looking around the open source market to try and find a base for there software. Lets take KHTML for example. KHTML was freely available under the GPL, and Apple decided to take them. Apple then acts like they made the rendering engine, and during the development of the browser they don't honor the GPL, not until they release it and the patches they develop for it are so old they are worthless will they make them available back to the authors of KHTML as the GPL requires. They aren't doing this willingly, they are doing them forcefully. In order to ensure that even if they do imlpement all of the patches the rendering engine will be worse then the one they took from them, they do all of there new development in a middle level layer which is designed to be incompatible with KHTML so that the work can't be used in it.
Next what Apple does is they try to find Linux users, try to convince them that they're easier to use by feeding them BS and they aren't Microsoft, so some people unfortunately fall for it. But a lot of very highly skilled developers still don't switch to it, so what they then do is recruit them to work for them, and get them to sign a contract which disallows them to work at all on any open source software. Wow, Apple, every time I find out more about what you do, the more clear it is that you really, really hate Linux and open source software, and just want to exploit it. At least Microsoft doesn't exploit the actual source code of open source software, even if they steal ideas and claim them there own sometimes... Apple does both.